Nutritionist-approved 9 Foods For Deworming Naturally


Welcome to the world of natural deworming! As a nutritionist, I've seen the power of food in keeping our bodies healthy. Let's explore 9 foods that can help you deworm naturally.


Slide 1: Garlic - This pungent herb contains allicin, a compound that has anti-parasitic properties. Add it to your meals or take it as a supplement to fight off worms.


Slide 2: Pumpkin seeds - These tiny seeds are packed with nutrients and have been used for centuries to treat intestinal parasites. Snack on them or add them to your salads.


Slide 3: Papaya - This tropical fruit contains an enzyme called papain, which can help break down and eliminate worms from the body. Enjoy it as a snack or in a smoothie.


Slide 4: Carrots - These crunchy veggies are not only good for your eyes, but also for deworming. They contain a compound called falcarinol, which has anti-parasitic properties.


Slide 5: Coconut oil - This versatile oil has many health benefits, including its ability to fight off parasites. Add it to your cooking or take a spoonful daily for best results.


Slide 6: Turmeric - This golden spice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but it also has anti-parasitic effects. Add it to your curries or take it as a supplement.


Slide 7: Pineapple - This tropical fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can help break down and eliminate worms from the body. Enjoy it as a snack or in a smoothie.


Slide 8: Apple cider vinegar - This pantry staple has many health benefits, including its ability to kill parasites. Mix it with water and drink it daily for best results.


Slide 9: Probiotic-rich foods - Foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut contain good bacteria that can help balance the gut and fight off parasites. Add them to your diet for a healthy gut. Congratulations, you now have 9 nutritionist-approved foods for natural deworming!