Navratri 2024: 8 Vegetables That Are Allowed To Consume During Fast


Welcome to Navratri 2024! As you embark on your fast, here are 8 vegetables that are allowed to consume. Stay healthy and blessed.


Slide 1: Potatoes - Boiled, mashed or roasted, potatoes are a staple during Navratri. They are rich in carbohydrates and provide energy for the day.


Slide 2: Sweet Potatoes - Another great source of carbohydrates, sweet potatoes are also rich in fiber and essential vitamins. Enjoy them in various forms.


Slide 3: Pumpkin - This versatile vegetable can be used in curries, soups or even as a dessert. It is low in calories and high in nutrients.


Slide 4: Bottle Gourd - Also known as lauki, this vegetable is a great source of hydration and helps in detoxifying the body. Enjoy it in a curry or as a juice.


Slide 5: Cucumber - Another hydrating vegetable, cucumbers are perfect for snacking during fasts. They are low in calories and high in water content.


Slide 6: Tomatoes - These tangy vegetables are a great source of antioxidants and help in boosting the immune system. Enjoy them in salads or curries.


Slide 7: Carrots - These crunchy vegetables are rich in beta-carotene and help in improving eyesight. Enjoy them as a snack or in a curry.


Slide 8: Spinach - This leafy green vegetable is a powerhouse of nutrients and helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Enjoy it in curries or as a side dish.


Slide 9: Bottle Gourd - Also known as lauki, this vegetable is a great source of hydration and helps in detoxifying the body. Enjoy it in a curry or as a juice.